- Anthony Lane has found the exact right way to react to The King’s Speech‘s Best Picture Win.
- Data Journalism even works for movies.
- Simon Pegg and Nick Frost can still pull of a decent Star Wars Parody.
- Jay Rosen pulls apart the bloggers-vs-journalists paradigm.
- Matt Waite writes some true words about how the future of journalism can only start if we hack the core.
- In a fun riff on the “SF is really about today”-trope, all this futuristic ad really does is show that touchscreens are all the rage now.
- If you know nothing about CGI, this is probably the wrong blog for you, but you might consider watching this 20-Minute-Documentary cut together from different featurettes and sporting a very annoying voiceover.
- Den “VISDP”-Artikel über Ranga Yogeshwars Erklärstrategie fand ich klasse.
- Die Landesmedienanstalten versuchen es mal mit (fragwürdigem) Zuckerbrot statt Peitsche.
- Martin Weigert fasst die “Unterträglichkeit” von Twitter in Breaking-News-Situationen sehr treffend zusammen.
- Lukas Heinser kennt den Club 27, dem ich jüngst enstiegen bin.
via Fünf Filmfreunde, Medial Digital, Netzpiloten, Bildblog, The Film Doctor