Worte zum Wochenende

[W]hat’s remarkable about the recent wave of industry and academic reports on journalism is the degree to which they consolidate the “new conventional wisdom” in ways that would have seemed insane even a few years ago. In other words, we now kinda-sorta know things now that we didn’t before, and maybe we’re even close to putting some old arguments to bed.

C. W. Anderson , Nieman Journalism Lab
// Next year’s news about the news: What we’ll be fighting about in 2010

A tangled love story? Too many villains? A hero struggling with his demons? Unless I’m mistaken, that sounds just like Spider-Man 3 – a superhero movie legendary in its bloated naffness. We’ve still got six months before Iron Man 2 is released – what’s the betting that we’ll soon start seeing magazines filled with exclusive on-set photos of the excruciating scene where Tony Stark dances around and cooks some eggs with Pepper Potts, or the bit where he grows a new haircut to indicate that he’s turned evil?

Stuart Heritage , guardian.co.uk
// Why I’m starting to worry about Iron Man 2

After years of hype, loads of trailers and TV spots, and an unprecedented pre-release teaser screening in more than 100 theaters, James Cameron’s Avatar opens next Friday with a single question hanging in the air: What in the hell is going on with the blue cat people?

Josh Levin , Slate
// Here Come the Cats With Human Boobs

Bei der publizistischen Begleitung dieses Prozesses, der viel Angst und Ressentiment freisetzt, herrscht ein erstaunliches Einverständnis über eine moralisch grundierte volkspädagogische Perspektive, die bei der Berichterstattung einzuhalten sei. Dass Medien als Transmissionsriemen einer nur diffus umrissenen “Integration” zu funktionieren haben, gilt vielerorts als Leitlinie redaktioneller Praxis.

Heribert Seifert , Neue Zürcher Zeitung
// Aufklärer, Schönredner und Prediger

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