Ihr Blutbad ist angerichtet, Sir

Immer wieder fallen mir in der eingeschliffenen deutschen Journalistensprache Redewendungen auf, bei denen ich mir ein Stirnrunzeln nicht verkneifen kann. Gestern war es das Wort “Blutbad” in der Berichterstattung über die grausamen Morde an der Zivilbevölkerung in Syrien.

Ich habe noch nie zuvor die Gelegenheit genutzt, mich mit dem Wortfeld Massenmord etwas genauer auseinanderzusetzen, also habe ich das kurz getan. Die engste Assoziation, die wir Menschen zu massenhafter Tötung anderer Lebewesen haben, scheint das Schlachten zu sein. Also kommen die meisten Begriffe zur Beschreibung massenhafter und wahlloser Morde aus diesem Bereich: “Massaker” stammt (laut Wikipedia) vom altfranzösischen maçacre, „Schlachthaus“; auch “metzeln” ist ein mittelhochdeutscher Begriff für “schlachten”. Irgendwie nachvollziehbar, und zumindest ist bei dem Wort “Massaker” inzwischen jeder Bezug zu seinem Ursprung verschwunden.

Warum aber “Blutbad”? Was erscheint sinnvoll oder wünschenswert an dem sprachlichen Bild, dass die Morde so zahlreich waren, dass jemand – wenn er nur wollte – im Blut der Opfer hätte baden können? Noch schlimmer, Formulierungen wie “das Assad-Regime [hat] in der syrischen Provinz Homs ein furchtbares Blutbad an Zivilisten angerichtet” legen nahe, dass die Massenmorde exakt zu diesem Zweck verübt wurden.

Das Wort ist keine Erfindung der deutschen Sensationspresse, es ist alt (biblisch gar), existiert quasi in allen Sprachen und hat überall auch nur diese Bedeutung: großes Vergießen von Menschenblut durch Mord. Vielleicht hat das Wort mit der zweiten Bedeutung von baden zu tun, “zu viel von etwas haben”. Wahrscheinlich ist es aber auch nur eine uralte poetische Umschreibung einer grausamen Situation, die im Laufe der Jahrhunderte ihre wörtliche Bedeutung eingebüßt hat – wie es bei vielen anderen Wörtern auch der Fall ist.

Trotzdem würde ich in letzterem Fall dafür plädieren, das Wort in Presseberichten über Massenmorde nicht weiter zu verwenden, auch wenn man damit ein Synonym verliert. Das Wort mag so in den Sprachgebrauch übergegangen sein, dass außer Menschen mit einer so bildlichen Vorstellung wie mir, niemand mehr dabei an ein tatsächliches Bad in Blut denkt. Den Opfern gegenüber ist es trotzdem respektlos, ihr Leid durch einen so geschmackloses Sprachbild zu trivialisieren. Und es ist ein klassisches Beispiel dafür, wie der routinierte Journalismus sprachliche Klarheit gerne mal zugunsten von wohlkingenden Bildern hinter sich lässt.

Dass es übrigens auch ohne Blutbad geht, zeigt etwa der Artikel auf tagesschau.de, was nicht heißt, dass die ARD vor dem Gebrauch gefeit ist.

Navel Gazing – Part Two: The Web

Image: Katharina Matzkeit

When I planned this series of reflections upon my personal media diet, I decided that I would write one episode about “everything that’s online, but that’s not blogs or social networks”. Today, when I sketched out in my head, what exactly I would write about, I noticed that when you take away blogs and social networks, there isn’t really that much more that I do online. So maybe this episode will be a short one, but let’s leave it like that as a case in point.


The hub around which all my media activity on the web revolves, is a nifty feed reader called Netvibes which I call my “Everywhere Office”. It allows you to subscribe to feeds of all kinds and sort them neatly in tabs and widgets. I have tabs for “News”, “Film”, “Media”, “Music”, “Culture” and “Entertainment”. The number of unread articles on top of each tab gives me an overall feeling of how much has happened. Most of the feeds I follow are blogs (more on that in the next episode), but there is some other stuff as well and I guess that is everything that qualifies for this episode.

News Sites

I had just published the first episode of “Navel Gazing” when I noticed that others think about the same things. And I promptly stumbled upon a sentence by Daniel Erk that perfectly reflects my opinion:

Die deutschen Nachrichtenseiten im Netz finde ich alle recht austauschbar. Es erscheint mir vor allem eine Designfrage, ob man nun auf Spiegel Online, Zeit Online oder FAZ.net die neuesten Meldungen von dpa und Reuters liest.

I find German news sites on nthe web quite interchangeable. It seems to be formerly a design question, whether you read your news wire stories on Spiegel Online, Zeit Online or FAZ.net.

I have personally opted for tagesschau.de for my news needs, which is the website of Germany’s first public service television channel. I find their blue design quite soothing, they seem relatively unbiased and because they are integrated with a network of radio and tv stations, they always offer multimedia content. When I have a general feeling of uninformedness, I like to watch their News in 100 seconds to bring me up to date on the latest headlines in a very short time period.

My college years spent in mass media studies (“Publizistik”) have generally convinced me of the belief that much of what we call “news” is completely irrelevant for me. So I like to keep informed about the trends of what is “viral” in the world right now, for which, I noticed, it suffices to check a news site every few days. Otherwise, I have adapted the strategy of that apocryphal high school intern and let the news come to me, which works surprisingly well (more on that soon). And whenever there is a topic that concerns me or that I feel I should be able to have an informed opinion about (most current example: ACTA), I generally start on a news site for some background and then take to the blogs and columnists to get a wider variety of opinions.

For my film news, I follow /film. While they are, by outer form and also by the tone of their coverage, a blog, most of what they do is reporting news and then adding some personal comment or question with not much journalistic research involved. I simply ignore the personal comments and read the news, which they mostly present in an aggregator-like fashion, by linking to the site that broke the story. Hey, look, a segway to the next section.


I follow the opinion of some bloggers in thinking that aggregating will be an ever more important important part of online journalism in the future. It’s the new form of the very gatekeeping that journalists have always used. I like the fact that there is both algorithms and people that “read” the web for me so I don’t have to. And with the power of the link, that still doesn’t mean that I am dependent on second-hand-news. I can just read it where it originates.

Apart from “/film” mentioned above, I follow the amazing German Blog- and Twitter-Aggregator Rivva, which automatically gives me the topics that Germany’s web opinion leaders are thinking about. For topics that are on the mind of the Chattering Classes in the US, I have found the “Links for the Day” feature of “Slant” Magazines “The House Next Door” very helpful.


I am a big fan of podcasts ever since I discovered that I like it when people talk to me while I run or exercise. So with about four to five hours of physical activity each week, I get through a wide range of podcasts. I always listen to the “Guardian’s” Film Weekly (which might or might not be scrapped soon) and Music Weekly for interviews and opinions on current trends in those areas. In addition, I pick and mix single episodes that seem interesting from the following podcasts: The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith (for in-depth interviews with film professionals), the /filmcast (for discussions about trends in American cinema), Zündfunk Generator (for current trends in German society), Was mit Medien (for media news) and Media Talk (for media news in Britain). A good friend also regularly tries to turn me on to This American Life and I think she may have almost succeeded.


Almost an afterthought: Netvibes also provides me with my very own Funny Pages independently of Facebook Memes. I follow the webcomics XKCD, Multiplex, Girls With Slingshots, Nichtlustig and Partially Clips – and I still follow what’s going on at Lamebook (a good way, by the way, of keeping an eye on general trends of current American [teenage] humour).

Navel Gazing is a multi-part blog series about my personal media consumption habits, meant as a case study and a moment of self-reflection on account of Real Virtuality’s third birthday.